Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Problem in Curriculum 2013

Although the curriculum in 2013 is a refinement of the previous curriculum, there are still problem that arise in them, such as
1.    There is no review of the implementation of curriculum 2006, which led to the conclusion of the urgency of the transfer to the curriculum in 2013.
2.   There is no comprehensive evaluation of the pilot implementation of curriculum 2013 after a year in the implementation of the designated schools.
3.   The curriculum has been implemented in all schools in July 2014, while the instruction to carry out a new evaluation was made October 14 2014, six days before the inauguration of the new president.
4.   Unificaton of the theme in the whole class, to methods, learning content and books that are required so that the indicated conflict with the National Education Law.
5.   Preparation of care competence content and basic competence are not careful, causing misalignment.
6.   Spiritual competence and attitude too forced so disturbing scientific substance and cause confusion and excessive administrative burden for teachers.
7.   The method of assessment is very complex and time consuming so confusing teachers and shift the focus of attention entirely on the students.
8.   Unpreparedness of teachers implement instructional methods on the curriculum 2013 that led to loads also piled on the students so that students spend in school and outside of school.
9.   Haste the application causing the unpreparedness of writing, printing and circulation of books, causing various problems in thousands of school due to the delay or absence of books.

10. Switching – regulation instead ministry as a result of repeated revisions.

" no man is perfect, there are times when we make mistakes "

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